Ukraine launches mass production of strike drones with over 1,000 km range

Mass production of strike drones with a range of over 1,000 kilometers has been launched in Ukraine.

Herman Smetanin, general director of Ukroboronprom enterprise, said this in an interview with ArmiyaInform.

"In a fairly short period, we have developed and put into mass production our long-range strike drones. They are now hitting strategic enemy targets at a distance of more than 1,000 km," said the head of the arms company.

According to the director of Ukroboronprom, it is not worth copying Russia's approaches to such production. He noted that Ukraine has become "non-linear and innovative" in the production of drones.

"Russia has huge resources and a super-powerful industry, so it makes no sense to blindly copy its approach. We are forced to be more flexible and resourceful.

At one point, David realized that fighting Goliath with the methods of Goliath himself was a bad idea. As a result, he chose the weapon that could bring victory and skillfully used it," Smetanin added.

The company's general director noted that Ukrainian enterprises, which established close cooperation with private individuals and helped them scale up production, significantly contributed to this.

"We learn new things very quickly. Our specialists quickly mastered the repair and maintenance of various equipment that comes from the allies. We also constantly improve our weapons, given the experience of their combat use, listen to the opinions of the military, and focus on the realities of modern war," Smetanin emphasized.

What is known about the production of long-range UAVs in Ukraine

We will remind that back in June 2023, Ukraine successfully deployed its unmanned aerial vehicle with a range of one thousand kilometers.

In February 2024, the Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, announced that Ukraine will produce thousands of long-range drones in 2024. These drones will be able to strike deep in the rear of the Russian Federation.

In addition, several dozen workers in a hangar in Ukraine's west assemble drones that strike in the distant Russian rear.

Ukraine has developed a secret strike drone with a range of 800 kilometers.

They also began mass-producing domestic Cobra-type strike UAVs developed by engineers from Kryvyi Rih, with a flight range of up to 300 km.

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