US does not see Ukraine in NATO today — Zelensky

In order not to annoy Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, the United States does not support Ukraine's invitation to NATO today.

Rubryka reports this with reference to President Volodymyr Zelensky's statement in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer.

According to Zelensky, Ukraine's membership in NATO today is not supported by either current President Joe Biden or US presidential candidate Donald Trump.

"We understand that the White House is not ready to give us an invitation. They are talking about it openly. President Biden is talking about it. And Trump is saying that if it were not for NATO, the war might not have started. You and I hear both opinions of the two parties. This indicates that everyone does not see Ukraine in NATO today. Unfortunately," he said.

However, Zelensky does not support such an American policy and considers it a way back. In his opinion, such a cautious policy is similar to "the steps of a sapper in a minefield" and not the policy of world leaders.

"Understanding all this, if there is no invitation for us today, we want specifics. If America is afraid of annoying Putin, and that is precisely why we are not invited there, then we ask the USA to give us everything that can protect us as much as possible. We ask for Patriots, enough F-16s, enough weapons to defend ourselves," the president said.

As Zelensky emphasized, if NATO does not want to take Ukraine into its alliance today, then Ukraine asks to give it everything so that it can defend itself against Russian aggression.


What is known about the NATO summit to be held in Washington

We will remind you that this year's NATO summit will be held from July 9 to 11 in Washington in the United States.

It was reported that strengthening support for Ukraine will be one of the issues discussed by the leaders of NATO member states during the North Atlantic Alliance meeting in July this year.

As Rubryka already reported, on May 31, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the special feature of the NATO summit on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Alliance's founding would be "a very strong package for Ukraine."

On the same day, the Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, stated that at the meeting in Prague, the NATO allies made progress on three issues: better coordination of the Alliance in the matter of arms supply and personnel training, determination of long-term financial support for Ukraine, and Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration.

It will be recalled that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg invited President Volodymyr Zelensky to the anniversary summit of the Alliance in Washington on July 9-11.


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