Фото: Сrisisgroup.org
Pavlo Frolov, a member of the parliamentary delegation, reported this on Telegram.
"On the day of the opening of the summer session in Bucharest, the OSCE PA adopted a resolution condemning the 10-year armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, recognizing the actions of the military-political leadership of the Russian Federation and its armed forces during the full-scale genocidal invasion of the Ukrainian people," noted the representative of the Ukrainian side.
In addition, as Frolov emphasized, the resolution defines the decolonization of the Russian Federation as "a necessary prerequisite for the establishment of a lasting peace."
Photo: Telegram / Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
The resolution mentions:
We will remind you that on June 26, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe approved three resolutions on Ukraine — on the legal aspects of Russia's aggression, the role of sanctions, and countering the eradication of cultural identity.
In addition, as the survey showed, sixty percent of Ukrainian citizens believe that the Russian Federation seeks to destroy the Ukrainian nation or even carry out physical genocide of the majority of the population.
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