OSCE Parliamentary Assembly recognizes Russia’s actions as genocide of Ukrainian people

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly adopted a resolution in which it recognized the actions of the Russian Federation as genocide of the Ukrainian people and the need for decolonization of the Russian Federation.

Pavlo Frolov, a member of the parliamentary delegation, reported this on Telegram.

"On the day of the opening of the summer session in Bucharest, the OSCE PA adopted a resolution condemning the 10-year armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, recognizing the actions of the military-political leadership of the Russian Federation and its armed forces during the full-scale genocidal invasion of the Ukrainian people," noted the representative of the Ukrainian side.

In addition, as Frolov emphasized, the resolution defines the decolonization of the Russian Federation as "a necessary prerequisite for the establishment of a lasting peace."

Photo: Telegram / Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The resolution mentions:

  • recognizing the 2024 presidential elections in Russia as rigged and undermining the legitimacy of the entire electoral system of the Russian Federation;
  • supporting the creation of the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children, as well as ensuring the release of Ukrainian prisoners of war and civilians;
  • a call to ban the import of Russian liquefied gas to the European Union, re-export, and transit through EU ports.
  • call on all 53 OSCE participating countries to make efforts for the liberation of Crimea and all occupied territories of Ukraine by supporting the Peace Formula and the Crimean Platform;
  • the call of the OSCE states to create a Special Tribunal to hold the Russian Federation accountable for crimes committed during the aggressive war against Ukraine, to conduct an international and national investigation into mass atrocities, murders, torture, and rape by the Russian army;
  • the need to quickly launch the mechanism of using frozen Russian assets for the benefit of Ukraine, the OSCE countries are invited to join the Agreement on the International Register of Damages Caused to Ukraine by Russian Aggression.

We will remind you that on June 26, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe approved three resolutions on Ukraine — on the legal aspects of Russia's aggression, the role of sanctions, and countering the eradication of cultural identity.

In addition, as the survey showed, sixty percent of Ukrainian citizens believe that the Russian Federation seeks to destroy the Ukrainian nation or even carry out physical genocide of the majority of the population.


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