Ukrainian intelligence reveals details on latest prisoner exchange with Russia

The 53rd exchange of prisoners with Russia consisted of two stages, during which it was possible to return 90 military personnel and ten civilians. The fact that non-military Ukrainians are held in Russian captivity indicates the genocidal nature of Russia's war against Ukraine.

Rubryka writes about this, referring to Captain Andrii Yusov, the representative of Ukraine's intelligence and the Coordination Headquarters.

"Tonight, the 53rd exchange since the full-scale Russian aggression ended. As part of this exchange, 100 Ukrainians, both military and civilian (90 military, 10 civilians), were returned from Russian captivity. A total of 3,310 Ukrainian men and women have been captured since the start of Russia's full-scale war as part of the work of the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Both military (mainly) and civilians," the Coordination Headquarters representative noted.

As noted, the very fact that "today we are talking about the return of civilian prisoners from Russian captivity is a glaring proof to the whole world that the Russian war against Ukrainians is genocidal, that the enemy commits war crimes and ignores international humanitarian law.

Photo: Telegram / Zelenskiy / Official

"These people should not be in any captivity, and their rights should not be limited. The 'fault' of these people is that they did not surrender to the Russian occupation. Two priests of the Greek Catholic Church, Heleta and Levytskyi, were arrested and were held in extremely difficult conditions under great pressure; that is, they were arrested during prayer, for praying, and for representing the Ukrainian church.

Nariman Dzhelyal was detained for not giving up his Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian identity… Another example is Olena Peh, a teacher, and the list can go on," the intelligence officers emphasized.

In addition, Yusov added that thousands of Ukrainian civilians are held captive by the aggressor, and this is a flagrant large-scale crime on the part of Putin's Russia.

Photo: Screenshot from the video

As the representative of Ukraine's intelligence outlined, with regard to the conditions of detention of Ukrainian civilians compared to prisoners of war, everything depends on the situation, but in many cases, Ukrainian civilians are detained in places not intended for this, beyond even the "legal conditions" of the Russian Federation.

It was also noted that some of the hostages were returned from the territory of Belarus. However, the intelligence did not specify how this was achieved. He only noted that this is the result of complex, painstaking complex work.

Photo: Screenshot from the video

He assured that Ukraine would fight for every citizen, no matter where they were.

In addition, Yusov added that the 53rd exchange took place through the mediation of the United Arab Emirates and the Holy See in the Vatican.

We remind you that the return took place on June 28. Nariman Dzhelyal, the deputy chairman of the mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, is among the ten civilians of Ukraine.

The Head of State showed a sensitive video about the return of our citizens on social networks.


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