American drone manufacturer Skydio to enter Ukrainian market

The American manufacturer of unmanned aerial vehicles, Skydio, has started hiring employees in Ukraine, which is the first step towards entering the Ukrainian market.

The company's general director, Adam Bry, told Defense News about this, Rubryka writes.

What is the problem?

FPV drones have become one of the most important factors in the front line.

Their advantage is low price and ease of manufacture, which partially compensate for the lack of more expensive weapons. In the face of reduced assistance from partners, the availability of FPV drones in many ways becomes a matter of survival. Where there are no drones, people become consumables.

The Russian-Ukrainian war was the first to actively use small copter drones.

Over the past two years, Ukraine has become a springboard for companies worldwide trying to test their equipment. American firms, including AeroVironment and Shield AI, have sent their products to help defend Ukraine and test how they perform in an environment of intense electronic warfare.

What is the solution?

That is why the American drone manufacturer Skydio is interested in helping the Ukrainian military and plans to enter the Ukrainian market.

How does it work?

Skydio is a developer of small copter-type reconnaissance drones. They have already been used by Ukrainian troops and are accepted for procurement by the US Army.

The company announced it has already recruited up to a dozen Ukrainian specialists. They focus on development and technical support for users.

"I have never met such experienced drone operators as the Ukrainians. We want to have a team there (in Ukraine – ed.)," said Bry.

The CEO of Skydio said that the company is considering the possibility of producing drones in Ukraine.

He believes that to begin with, it is possible to manufacture components, particularly electronic communications systems, that are protected from EW systems.

We will remind you that in July 2023, the United States Agency for International Development announced the transfer to Ukraine of nine autonomous Skydio drones for documenting war crimes.

In addition, a new 3D-printed drone was developed for the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

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