
United to win: Ukraine secures $60 bln annual payments for next four years under security agreements

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said during the government meeting on June 28 that Ukraine has already signed 20 security agreements with its allies, particularly with the EU and the USA.

The Government portal reported that.

"This is a unique story that opens up new opportunities for cooperation in the defense sphere and provides a basis for our future peacetime security," the head of the government noted.

According to these agreements, international partners plan to provide Ukraine with total military support worth 60 billion dollars annually in the next four years.

"Today, we direct all our forces, resources, and energy to the victory of Ukraine. We do everything possible for this. Thanks to the productive work of the Ukrainian team under the leadership of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, June was full of important victories for our country," Denys Shmyhal stressed.

The Prime Minister emphasized that only a strong coalition can ensure Ukraine's victory.

For reference:

On July 12, 2023, on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Vilnius, the leaders of the G7 countries agreed on a Joint Declaration on support for Ukraine. The document discussed, in particular, the work on specific bilateral long-term obligations and agreements in the security field.

More than 20 countries joined this initiative. Great Britain became the first country to sign a final agreement.

Security agreements with these countries provide Ukraine with a wide range of support measures, including military, economic, and political aid. In addition to the general provisions, each partner country also provided Ukraine with individual obligations corresponding to its capabilities and potential.

Yesterday, June 27, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky signed agreements on security guarantees with the EU, Lithuania, and Estonia.

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