Solutions from Ukraine: Ukrainian psychologists launch Bear in Embroidery project to support mental health

Rubryka outlines the reasoning behind this solution and explores how toys can aid Ukrainians in preserving their mental well-being and potentially breaking a record.

What is the problem?

Living in a time of war brings countless difficulties and struggles. In these trying times, it's crucial to find solace and assistance. Psychologists say a teddy bear can be a reliable companion, providing constant comfort and companionship.

What is the solution?

Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University, in partnership with the UkrHelp Foundation and the educational platform Nazarevich ART, has launched a nationwide campaign called "Bear In Embroidery" as part of the "Teddy Bear Therapy Ukraine project." The organizers invite all Ukrainians to create a one-of-a-kind collection of teddy bears dressed in embroidered clothing to support this approach in Ukraine.

How does it work?

Psychologist Maryna Avtorhova with teddy bears in embroidered dresses

Teddy bears are a versatile and adaptable tool in various therapeutic approaches. This method, known as Teddy Bear Therapy, is commonly used with children but can be helpful for individuals of any age.

Toy therapy, including teddy bear therapy, has been used as a therapeutic tool in Europe and America since 1902, and its effectiveness was scientifically proven in 1995. Currently, mental health professionals in Ukraine are actively implementing toy therapy, including Teddy Bear Therapy, in their practice.

Viktoriia Nazarevych, the founder of the educational portal for psychologists and art therapists Nazarevich ART, notes that studies have shown that the presence of a teddy bear creates a sense of comfort, security, and companionship and helps reduce anxiety and stress. It can serve as a symbolic source of support and a non-judgmental listener, making it easier for people to express their emotions and cope with difficult situations. Tactilely, a teddy bear can also promote a sense of calm and emotional well-being.

A Ukrainian child psychologist, Maryna Avtorhova, suggested dressing therapy bears in embroidered clothing. She and Victoria Nazarevych proposed organizing an exhibition featuring teddy bears wearing embroidered dresses. The "Teddy Bear Therapy Ukraine Project" community enthusiastically joined in creating a collection of teddy bears dressed in embroidered fabrics. Now, psychologists have invited all adults and children in Ukraine to support this fantastic initiative.

The project's purpose 

This young lady is from Khotyn, in the Chernivtsi region. The author is Olha Didov, a Toy Therapy room project volunteer, where children are treated with toys.

According to psychologist Maryna Avtorhova, the head of the "Bear in Embroidery" project and co-author of the idea, the project has many goals. Among them are popularizing Teddy bear therapy in Ukraine, integrating Ukrainian culture into play areas for psychologists to work with children, and encouraging children to create embroidery.

"Embroidery is not only an ancient part of our people's wardrobe but also a modern artistic weapon and an inseparable link between generations," Maryna Avtorhova said.

If there are enough bears, the project may even be entered in the Guinness Book of Records for the number of bears embroidered.

How to join?

This bear lady is from Ternopil. The author of the outfit is doctor Oksana Humenna; she also collects teddy bears for children's hospitals

  • Embroidery: you can help with the embroidery of bear outfits.
  • Providing teddy bears: You can also donate your own teddy bears to the project, which psychologists and artisans will decorate with embroidery. If you already have a bear in an embroidered shirt, you can donate it, too!
  • Partnership: if you want to help spread the word about the project, become its partner.
  • It is also possible to help the project by organizing exhibitions and teaching embroiderers, for example, in schools. The project organizers are open to various proposals, creative ideas, and types of cooperation in this project.

To inquire about participating in the project, one can contact the project coordinator and manager via Telegram at @Maryna_Avtorhova. Alternatively, you can send a private message to Viktoriia Nazarevych on Facebook.

Bears from the Donetsk region from Natalia Vovkotrub, volunteer and psychologist of the Teddy Bear Therapy project

Psychologists have observed that the act of making a teddy bear in a quilt can be quite therapeutic. This project's creators believe it can be a fun and engaging activity for both adults and children. That's why schools, parents, and children are encouraged to participate in this initiative.

"There is no age; there are no limitations in this project. The only limitation is not to limit your imagination, to love Ukraine, to love a soft toy. Together, we can create something incredible!" Victoria Nazarevych emphasizes.

The "Bear in Embroidery" project began with 20 bears, creating a significant amount of bear embroidery. The organizers aim to have at least 1,000 bears dressed in traditional clothing.

For reference:

It should be noted that the Circle of Toys project was initiated in Ukraine to allow children from around the globe to share their toys, spreading joy and kindness in the process. The aim is to find previously treasured but now unwanted toys for new young owners. The children involved develop empathy, improve their learning abilities, and strive to be environmentally conscious. Rubryka shares details about how this project is making a difference.

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