Video 15:56 28 Jun 2024

Ukraine to present detailed peace plan for negotiations with Russia by end of year – Zelensky

Photo: Office of the President of Ukraine

Head of State Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine should also develop a clear peace plan in addition to being strong on the battlefield. It should be ready by the end of this year.

Zelensky stated this during a briefing with his Slovenian colleague Nataša Pirc Musar.

As the president noted, after the peace summit, Kyiv is working on three detailed plans that relate to:

  • energy,
  • food security,
  • POW exchange.

A plan will be prepared for these areas in the near future. A comprehensive plan will also be developed for other points of the Ukrainian peace formula, which will be put on the partners' table later.

"It is essential for us to show a plan to end the war that most of the world will support. This is the diplomatic way we are working on. Besides, as I told you, not everything depends on us," he added.

Zelensky stated that Ukraine is ramping up its production of technologies, drones, artillery, and EW to bolster its military strength. This is crucial because the Russian Federation only responds to displays of strength and does not hold much regard for those who are not powerful.

"These are two parallel things: to be strong on the battlefield and to develop a clear plan, a detailed plan, and it will be ready this year," the president noted.

It should be noted that on June 28, the President of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar, arrived in Kyiv. She is expected to sign a security agreement with Ukraine here.

For reference:

Ukraine Peace Summit took place in Switzerland on June 15 and 16. Representatives of 100 countries and international organizations participated.

Despite the mass media's statement, the peace summit participants adopted a joint declaration.

As of today, June 28, the final communique of the peace summit already has 90 signatures.

Kyiv wants to hold the second peace summit meeting in Saudi Arabia by the end of the year. The presence of Russian representatives at the second peace summit will indicate that the aggressor country is ready for negotiations to end the war.

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