Drone attack targets Russian oil depot in Tambov region

In the Tambov region of the Russian Federation, a drone attacked an oil depot, causing a fire to break out. The governor is discussing the potential evacuation of the residents.

Russian publications RIA Novosti and Shot reported that.

"According to the governor, a fire erupted at an oil depot in the Tambov region after being struck by a drone. Fortunately, the fire has been controlled, and no one was harmed," ​​RIA Novosti wrote.

This is possibly the first instance of the Russians admitting to damage caused by a drone strike rather than alleging damage from falling debris.

According to Shot, an "enemy" UAV "exploded on the premises of the enterprise" at approximately 4:35 a.m.

The head of the region, Maksim Egorov, said that the distance to the nearest settlement is 3 kilometers:

"If necessary, residents will be evacuated; everything is ready for this."

For reference:

It should be noted that, lately, Ukraine has been striking Russian oil refineries regularly.

According to Ukraine's intelligence, Russia employs oil refineries as a means of providing support for its troops in Ukraine. As a result, any attacks on these facilities are considered highly delicate for the occupying forces.

According to news reports, on June 21, the Yeysk, Temryuk, and Siversk districts in the Krasnodar region were allegedly targeted by drones from Ukraine. The incident resulted in six injuries and one fatality.

Additionally, on June 20, Russian news outlets announced that drones had targeted the Afip Oil Refinery in the Krasnodar region of Russia. This resulted in a fire at the facility. Reports also indicate that a separate attack occurred at a refinery located in the village of Enem in Adygea.

Moreover, on June 18, drones attacked an oil depot in the village of Chushka, Temryuk district, Krasnodar Territory.

In Azov, Rostov, a drone strike targeted an oil depot, causing a fire to break out among the tanks. Firefighters were able to put out the flames after two days.

According to sources, the Security Service of Ukraine was behind the attack on oil depots in the Russian Federation.

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