United to win: Finland grants €159 mln arms package to Ukraine

The Finnish authorities will hand over the 24th package of military aid to Ukraine, worth 159 million euros, to repel the Russian invasion.

According to the Ministry of Defense of Finland, the president approved this decision on June 28 at the government's request.

The country typically does not reveal the specifics of the latest aid package or the terms of its delivery for logistical purposes and to ensure the protection of the shipment.

However, Helsinki emphasized that this assistance takes into account Ukraine's needs and the Finnish Defense Forces' resource situation.

"Finland is committed to supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russia's unjustified attack. This is not only about Ukraine but also, ultimately, about the right of all free peoples to exist. We Finns have learned from our own history how important this issue is," the Minister of Defense of the country, Antti Hakkianen, emphasized.

The total cost of defense aid allocated by Finland to Ukraine is already 2.2 billion euros. The country also participates in:

For reference:

It should be noted that the Ministry of Defense of Finland announced at the beginning of February that Finland was sending to Ukraine the 22nd shipment of military aid worth about 190 million euros.

It was also reported that the Minister of Defense of Finland, Antti Hakkianen, said that Ukraine could use the weapons transferred by Finland to strike the territory of the Russian Federation as well since the Scandinavian country did not set any restrictions on its use.

It was also reported earlier that Finland is developing a plan to reconstruct Ukraine.

Furthermore, due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, Finland is planning to construct a new facility for manufacturing artillery shells.

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