Solutions from Ukraine: Ukrainian IT experts develop app for monitoring blackouts

Ukrainian IT specialists Andriy Bulanov and Kostiantyn Medvedenko created the Svitlobot application, which notifies about power outages. reports this.

What is the problem?

Because of the shelling, Ukraine's power generation capacity was reduced by 50%. The government is working on restoring it as much as possible in preparation for winter.

In particular, the Cabinet of Ministers [Ukraine's government—ed.] approved the order establishing the rules for applying blackout schedules, which started working on June 24. The government hopes this will allow it to ensure "fair schedules."

However, a difficult energy situation is expected in Ukraine this winter. The light can be turned on only 6-7 hours a day.

What is the solution?

Ukrainian IT specialists have created a new system to track power outages. Andriy Bulanov, a senior Android developer, and Kostiantyn Medvedenko, a developer specializing in iOS/Android/Flutter, are the brains behind the "Svitlobot" service, which is designed to monitor power disruptions.

The app enables users to receive real-time notifications about the presence of light in homes, residential complexes, or offices.

The service automatically monitors the electricity status and informs users of any updates.

How does it work?

The application automatically tracks the electricity status and alerts users during a power outage. However, two phones are required for its use.

The primary phone must be adjusted with a charger and synced with the secondary phone using a security code. The secondary phone will receive immediate push notifications.

The IT professionals have also made a video tutorial demonstrating how to use the application.

Residents in high-rise buildings can also create a shared "home location" within the app.

The developers advise using the "old Android" to monitor power outages at home, in the office, or the garage.

The application can be downloaded on Google Play and the App Store.

For reference:

On Thursday, June 27, Ukraine will experience scheduled power outages throughout the day. These outages will affect all regions.

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