White House addresses rumors of Trump’s proposed “peace plan” for Ukraine

The White House officially stated that Ukraine has the authority to determine when and how negotiations with Russia regarding the end of hostilities will take place. This was in response to media reports about the former leader's supposed "plan" to quickly end the war.

John Kirby, coordinator of the US National Security Council for strategic communications, stated this.

During the briefing, the official was asked to address whether the framework written by the Reuters agency, in which two close advisers of Donald Trump presented a plan to end the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine by pressuring Kyiv to negotiate with Moscow and make territorial concessions, makes any sense.

First of all, Kirby noted that he does not intend to comment on the election campaign in the States in which Trump is participating. He also expressed skepticism about such a "peace plan," which the ex-president's advisers allegedly told journalists about

"You know, I'm not going to get into a public debate about what former President Trump's advisers can or can't talk to him about," he said.

Also, the White House representative emphasized that American President Joe Biden's commitment to supporting Ukraine "was clearly stable, sharp, and consistent."

"Now we've created a global coalition of over 50 countries that support Ukraine as they defend themselves. He [Biden – ed.] just signed a historic bilateral security agreement with Ukraine at the G7 in Italy a week or so ago. He understands that the stronger Ukraine's position on the field fight, the more it will be at the negotiating table when the time comes. And you know who will decide when that time comes. And no one else," Kirby said.

He also added Washington's position: "Nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine."

"And we are standing firm to make sure that President Zelensky has everything he needs so that if and when he is ready to come to the negotiating table, he can do it from a position of strength and so that he knows that he has our support and the support of these close 50 or so countries," the official said.

Kirby also emphasized:

"The White House is not going to force Ukraine to surrender any of its territory because we understand that if Putin is allowed to conquer Ukraine and subjugate its people, any of its people, the consequences will be severe."

For reference:

Recently, Reuters wrote that two key advisers of the former US president presented Trump's plan for the war in Ukraine.

According to the plan, the United States will only support the country if Kyiv agrees to sit at the negotiating table with Russia. At the same time, Washington will warn Moscow that its refusal to negotiate will lead to increased support for Ukraine.

The strategy outlined by Kellogg and Fleitz is the most detailed yet drawn up by associates of Trump, who has said he can quickly resolve the war in Ukraine if he defeats President Joe Biden in the Nov. 5 election, though he did not discuss specifics.

The proposal would mark a dramatic shift in the US stance on the war and face opposition from European allies and within Trump's Republican Party.

The Office of the President of Ukraine has already reacted to information in the media about such a "peace plan" of Trump.

"Ukraine has an absolutely clear understanding, and it is spelled out in the "peace formula" proposed by President Zelensky; it clearly states that peace can only be just, and peace can only be based on the principles of international law," Mykhailo Podoliak, president's adviser, said in an online interview with Reuters.

It is essential to mention that the ex-President of the United States and current candidate for the role of head of state, Donald Trump, criticized the level of support for Ukraine at a pre-election gathering, distorted the truth, and announced that if elected, he would promptly "solve the issue with this" [the war – ed.].

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