North Korea to send engineering troops to Russian-occupied Ukraine – ISW

In July of this year, North Korea will already be sending military construction and engineering forces to take part in "restoration works" in the occupied Donetsk region.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reports this, referring to the South Korean channel TV Chosun.

TV Chosun, citing a South Korean government official, reported on June 21 that South Korea expects North Korea to send a large-scale engineering force to the occupied Donetsk region as early as July.

These forces will allegedly help restore infrastructure in occupied Donetsk.

The North Korean military has 10 engineering brigades, and the Chosun TV channel estimated that North Korea could receive up to 115 million dollars from the Russian Federation every year if it sends three to four engineering brigades to occupied Ukraine.

ISW noted that Russia appears to be seeking to create a coalition of friendly states with historically warm ties to the Soviet Union, including North Korea and Vietnam, to form the basis of an alternative world order.

ISW has not yet seen reports that North Korean military personnel intend to engage in hostilities in Ukraine, but direct North Korean engineering support could free up Russian combat power for operations along the front line and contribute to Russian efforts to expand military infrastructure and defensive fortifications on the occupied territory of Ukraine.

For reference:

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin arrived in North Korea on June 19, local time. This was his first visit to the DPRK in 24 years.

The two leaders held a meeting at Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang. Kim Jong Un expressed his "full support" for Russia in its war against Ukraine. In turn, Putin expressed his admiration for "how Pyongyang has transformed over the past 24 years."

Subsequently, the Russian dictator and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement. It provides for mutual military assistance in case of aggression against Pyongyang or Moscow.

Putin also paid a state visit to Vietnam. During the meeting, the Kremlin chief plans to adopt a joint statement and sign several bilateral documents.

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