Zelensky arrives in Brussels to sign three security agreements

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Brussels to attend the European Council meeting and sign three security agreements.

The head of the Ukrainian state announced this on Telegram.

"These days, Ukraine has started actual negotiations on EU membership. Today, I am in Brussels to participate in the European Council meeting and to thank all European leaders for their unity and for confirming the irreversibility of our European course," Zelensky said.

According to the President of Ukraine, the program of the visit includes:

  • his meetings with the leaders of the EU and member states,
  • bilateral negotiations.,
  • the signing of three security agreements, one of which is with the EU.

"We will sign three security agreements at once, one of which is with the European Union as a whole. For the first time, it will establish the obligation of all 27 member states to provide Ukraine with broad support despite any internal institutional changes," Zelensky said.

For reference:

It should be noted that Ukraine has already concluded 17 security agreements, particularly with all G7 members.

It was reported that the other day, Ukraine and Ireland discussed the future bilateral security agreement.

Moreover, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Lviv on Thursday, June 27. His visit was not previously announced. The head of state honored the memory of Ukraine's fallen defenders.

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