Photos 13:24 27 Jun 2024

Russian troops attack Donetsk region, killing one and injuring seven, including two children

Photo: Telegram / Donetsk Prosecutor's Office

Early in the morning of June 27, Russian forces targeted the town of Selydove with a precision airstrike. The attack caused six casualties, including children. The enemy also launched an artillery attack on Toretsk.

The Donetsk Regional Prosecutor's Office reported that on Telegram.

"One person died, and seven were injured as a result of today's shelling in Donetsk region. Toretsk came under fire again – there was information about one dead person. Early in the morning, the Russians dropped an aerial bomb on Selydove – 6 people were injured, including two teenagers," the official reported.

Photo: Telegram / Donetsk Prosecutor's Office

According to preliminary information, the enemy dropped an FAB-500 guided aerial bomb on the settlement.

The projectile struck the apartment building.

Photo: Telegram / Donetsk Prosecutor's Office

As mentioned above, six people were injured as a result of the shelling:

  • two children, 11 and 17 years old;
  • four adults aged 63 to 67.

Photo: Telegram / Donetsk Prosecutor's Office

The strike also damaged:

  • high-rise and private housing,
  • cars,
  • administrative buildings.

According to Vadym Filashkin, the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, in addition, Yasenove of the Pokrovsk community came under fire — a person was injured there, and a company was damaged.

"Another loud day in Donetsk region is another example of Russian atrocities. Don't turn yourself into a target! Evacuate!" the head of the regional military administration stressed.

For reference:

In the past few months, there has been a notable rise in the frequency of shelling by Russian terrorists in Ukraine and the frontline areas. The Donetsk region has been consistently targeted, leading to the declaration of forced evacuation in several settlements there.

In particular, on the afternoon of June 24, Russian invaders fired two Iskander-M ballistic missiles at the city of Pokrovsk in the Donetsk region. Due to the attack, there are dead and wounded.

At that time, as a result of an enemy strike, 40 people were injured, including three children.

It should be noted that at night, the Russian occupiers launched another massive air and missile attack. The defense forces destroyed all 23 Shahed attack UAVs and five of six enemy missiles.

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