22:29 26 Jun 2024

Lithuania commits to allocating 0.25% of GDP to aid Ukraine – Nauseda

Photo: facebook.com/lietuva

The Lithuanian State Defense Council has backed the decision to allocate a minimum of 0.25% of GDP in support of Ukraine.

The President of Lithuania, Gitanas Nauseda, reported that on Twitter.

"Today, at the meeting of the State Defense Council, we agreed on the allocation of at least 0.25% of GDP to support the security and defense of Ukraine. Lithuania will continue to stand firm until victory. We will always support freedom," Nauseda wrote.

For reference:

Lithuania is one of Ukraine's main allies. It began providing support to Kyiv after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. Vilnius provides not only financial and humanitarian aid but also military aid.

In January, during President Volodymyr Zelensky's visit, Lithuania approved a 200 million euro package of long-term military aid to Ukraine.

In particular, Ukraine and Lithuania agreed to jointly produce drones and electronic warfare (EW). A joint-stock company, Ukrainian Defense Industry, started a strategic partnership with four Lithuanian companies.

In addition, Lithuania announced Ukraine's readiness to partially transfer the production of drones to their country's territory. This step is considered mutually beneficial cooperation and preparation of the Western neighbors for possible military threats.

Also, at the beginning of February, Lithuania delivered another batch of weapons to Ukraine as part of military aid. In particular, it included shells for Carl Gustaf anti-tank grenade launchers.

Moreover, the government of Lithuania approved the resolution prepared by the country's Ministry of Finance on the allocation of 5 million euros to support Ukraine's education sector.

It is worth noting that Lithuania's financial assistance to our state has amounted to more than 1 billion euros since the beginning of the full-scale invasion.


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