Photo: Mykolaiv Regional State Administration
The Ministry of Education and Science reports this on Facebook.
What is the solution?
According to the department's report, the Ministry of Education and Science Commission reviewed applications submitted through the DREAM platform. Here are the outcomes:
How does it work?
The Ministry of Education and Science mentioned that construction of five underground schools is underway in Zaporizhzhia.
These shelters are full-fledged learning spaces. They will ensure the continuity of education even in the challenging conditions of the front-line region.
Initially, communities applied through the DREAM system.
After that, regional military administrations provided recommendations and project proposals for financing.
For reference:
Based on the criteria established in Resolution No. 417 issued by the Ukrainian government on April 12, 2024, and the recommendations from the Ministry of Education and Science, the selected projects have been chosen to receive funding.
It is worth mentioning that Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister for Innovations and Development of Education, Science, and Technologies—also Minister of Digital Transformation—has announced the reconstruction of the damaged school in the Kyiv region, with a focus on incorporating the latest architectural principles of spatial organization.
In addition, two underground schools are planned to be built in Zaporizhzhia by September 1 of this year so that the city's children can get a better education in wartime conditions.
An underground school with a shelter is also being constructed in Korotychi, located in the Kharkiv region, with the purpose of withstanding a direct hit from the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system.
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