Photos 21:00 24 Jun 2024

Eco-solutions: Kyiv plans to construct CHP plant powered by garbage

Photo: kyivcity.gov.ua

Kyiv is currently researching waste management practices in other cities. Specifically, the city's officials recently visited Lviv and toured the construction sites of a mechanical-biological waste processing facility as part of their working visit.

The Kyiv City State Administration reports this.

The delegation visited the landfill near the Hrybovychi village, where reclamation efforts are underway. These projects in Lviv are funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, making them significant in terms of international cooperation between Ukrainian cities and the adaptation of European standards.

У Києві планують побудувати ТЕЦ

Photo: kyivcity.gov.ua

"Despite the ongoing war, the waste management and treatment issue remains highly relevant. The volume of garbage continues to rise, and proper and safe disposal methods are crucial. Thanks to the support of the European Bank, the reconstruction and development of a landfill in Lviv is progressing rapidly. It is crucial that the waste processing facility, currently under construction, will harness the potential of household waste to generate electricity according to the engineers' plans," Petro Panteleev, Deputy Chairman of the Kyiv City State Administration, explained.

According to him, representatives of Kyiv agreed with Lviv colleagues on further interaction in this area and exchange of experience for the most rational use of waste as an energy source.

У Києві планують побудувати ТЕЦ

Photo: kyivcity.gov.ua

"Ukraine lives in conditions of energy deficit. The enemy is trying to destroy the existing energy system and deprive us of electricity and gas with systematic strikes. Therefore, we should use all the ways and opportunities that will allow us to produce energy. The Concept of Energy Sustainability of Kyiv (Energy Restoration: Path to Distributed Cogeneration) is aimed at this. Among other objects, it envisages the creation of two thermal power plants on different shores of the capital, which will operate on combined fuel and use high-calorie fractions of waste," the administration's representative said.

У Києві планують побудувати ТЕЦ

Photo: kyivcity.gov.ua

It is noted that for large cities, such replacement of usual fuel types solves two problems at onceenergy shortage and the problem of garbage accumulation. This practice is widely used in European cities, and Ukraine strives to apply it.

For reference:

The spring clean-up campaign in Kyiv lasted for two months, concluding on May 20th. During this period, the city focused on eliminating any unsightly impromptu landfills and conducting general clean-ups. Priority was given to addressing public spaces and privately owned areas that were sources of complaints from residents. The Kyiv City State Administration acknowledged that during wartime, the majority of funds are allocated towards defending the country and supporting the military. Nonetheless, maintaining cleanliness and order in Kyiv remains a top priority, even with limited resources.

On Saturday, March 30, in the Pechersk district of Kyiv, over two hundred people came together at "Boichukivska Toloka" to clean and prepare the premises of the Academy of Decorative and Applied Arts for restoration. The building was damaged by Russian shelling.

The OKKO group of companies intends to construct a biodiesel plant in Lviv, furthering the expansion of their biofuel infrastructure.


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