Ukraine comes first at wheelchair dance sport international tournament

Ukraine won first place at the international tournament on sports dances on wheelchairs.

This is reported by the National Sports Committee for the Disabled of Ukraine, Rubryka writes.

Ukrainian wheelchair dancers performed at the international tournament of couple sports dances on wheelchairs.

Photo: National Sports Committee for the Disabled of Ukraine

Photo: National Sports Committee for the Disabled of Ukraine

It was held from June 6 to 10, 2024 in Poland.

Ukraine won 15 awards, competing with representatives from 15 countries:

  • 8 gold,
  • 5 silver,
  • 2 bronze medals.

Photo: National Sports Committee for the Disabled of Ukraine

Regarding the number of gold awards and the total number of medals, the Ukrainian team became the first at the tournament.

Ten out of twelve Ukrainian athletes won medals, and six of them became multi-medalists:

  • Olena Chinka (II class) — 1 gold in the women's single program, one gold in the women's single freestyle program, one gold in the duo freestyle program paired with Oleksandr Onishchenko, one silver in the duo standard program, one bronze in the duo Latin program.
  • Ivan Sivak (II class) — 1 gold in the men's singles program, 1 gold in the men's single freestyle program, and 1 gold in the combined Latin program paired with Olena Dankevich.
  • Snizhana and Volodymyr Kernychni (I class) — 1 gold in the duo freestyle program, one gold in the duo Latin program, one silver in the duo standard program, one silver in the combi freestyle program (Snizhana paired with Igor Bozhenko).
  • Ilonna Sluhovyna (I class) — 1 silver medal in the single freestyle program, one silver medal in the combined Latin program paired with Andriy Myronchuk.
  • Ivan Zamiga (II class) — 1 bronze in the men's singles program.

Photo: National Sports Committee for the Disabled of Ukraine

As reported, from May 30 to June 3, the national selection for the Ukrainian national team of the Invincible Games 2025 took place in Kyiv. National competitions in various sports were held among wounded service members and veterans.

We will remind you that in 2023, the Ukrainian national team won 34 medals: 12 gold, 14 silver, and eight bronze at the 2023 Invincible Games held in Dusseldorf, Germany.


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