There will be no line for Seoul’s aid to Ukraine if North Korea supplies precision weapons to Russia

If the Russian Federation provides high-precision weapons to the DPRK, then South Korea will not "bind" itself in military aid to Ukraine.

National Security Adviser Chang Ho-jin stated this, Yonhap agency reports.

As the Japanese official noted, Seoul's decision to provide arms to Ukraine depends on how Russia's military cooperation with North Korea, which recently concluded a strategic partnership agreement, will develop.

"I would like to emphasize that it all depends on what Russia will do," Chang said on KBS TV. "Will there be any line remaining for us if Russia gives precision weapons to North Korea?"

Earlier, Chang stated that any cooperation that contributes to the military strengthening of the DPRK violates UN Security Council resolutions and will be subject to international control and sanctions.

He also promised to take appropriate measures, in particular, to review the issue of armed support to Ukraine, changing Seoul's policy of not providing Ukraine with lethal weapons.

He added that South Korea will maintain strategic uncertainty about the types of weapons that can be supplied to Ukraine because "it will be interesting to see how Russia will respond to this, rather than revealing our plans in advance."

What is known about Putin's visit to the DPRK

We will remind you that Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in North Korea on June 19, local time. This is his first visit to the DPRK in 24 years.

Reuters writes that on the eve of the visit, Putin issued a presidential decree saying that Moscow wants to sign a "comprehensive strategic partnership agreement" with North Korea.

Putin held a meeting with the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, in the capital of North Korea, Pyongyang.

Kim Jong Un expressed his "full support" for Russia in its war against Ukraine. In turn, Putin expressed his admiration for "how Pyongyang has transformed over the past 24 years."

Subsequently, Putin and Kim Jong-un signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement. It provides for mutual military assistance in the event of aggression against Pyongyang or Moscow.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation stated that Russia does not do anything in cooperation with Pyongyang "that does not comply with the norms of international law," and "the parameters of providing mutual assistance are clearly prescribed in the new agreement."

At the same time, Kim Jong Un said that the treaty "has a peaceful and defensive character," which, they say, will become a "driving force" for the creation of a "new multipolar world."

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