20:00 22 Jun 2024

Ukraine has received €800 mln worth of ammunition from Serbia through intermediaries — FT

Photo: Reuters

Serbia is increasing ammunition sales to the West, which later ends up in Ukraine through third countries. The amount of ammunition Kyiv has received from Belgrade is approximately €800 million.

This is stated in the article by the Financial Times, Rubryka writes.

According to the media outlet's estimates, the amount of ammunition exports from Serbia that have entered Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion through third parties is approximately €800 million. Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić confirmed this figure.

Vučić presented the arms export situation as a business opportunity, insisting he would not take sides in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

"This is part of our economic revival; it is important for us. Yes, we export our ammunition. We cannot export to Ukraine or Russia… but we had many contracts with Americans, Spaniards, Czechs, and others," the Serbian leader said.

He noted that even if he knows where the sold ammunition ends up, it is none of his business.

"My job is to make sure that we handle our ammunition legally and that we sell it… I have to take care of my people, and that's it. That's all I can say," Vučić said, adding that Serbia "has friends in Kyiv and Moscow."

When asked if the €800m export figure was correct, he said it was not for one year but "maybe two or three years."

According to the president, Serbian weapons are cheaper than Western ones, so the scope of ammunition exports from Serbia may increase.

Serbia had a thriving military industry during the Cold War as part of Yugoslavia. The country produces ammunition according to Soviet standards, which are still used in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


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