
UN has accurate data on torture of Ukrainian prisoners in Russia – head of monitoring mission

During the UN Human Rights Council, member nations are updated on the findings of the UN Monitoring Mission on Human Rights in Ukraine (UMHRM), which details cases of torture and mistreatment of Ukrainian prisoners in Russia.

The head of the UMHRM, Danielle Bell, reported that, according to Ukrinform.

"Regular briefings on Ukraine are regularly conducted at the Human Rights Council, the Security Council, and within UN human rights treaty bodies. Our reports are widely referenced due to our mandate to monitor and report," Bell said.

The head of the mission explained that these reports are prepared based on the results of descriptions and extensive interviews with prisoners of war, documentation of forms of torture, ill-treatment, and conditions of captivity.

Bell emphasized that they provide accurate information to member countries of the UN Human Rights Council and are also used by the Council of Europe damage register, the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, and the International Criminal Court.

"International and national authorities use our reports to launch their own investigations. The commission for the investigation of violations uses our works. At the same time, other mechanisms take advantage of our findings. For example, a recent decision of the International Court of Justice was based on our reports. The European Court of Human Rights uses our reports in its decisions,"  the head of the UMHRM said.

For reference:

As Rubryka reported, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Andriy Kostin, stated that about 90% of Ukrainian prisoners of war were tortured, raped, threatened with sexual violence or other forms of ill-treatment.

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