Russia claims drone strikes spark fires at oil refineries in Krasnodar and Adygea

According to Russian media, drones have allegedly attacked the Afip refinery in the Krasnodar region, resulting in a fire at the facility. Another refinery in the village of Enem in Adygea has also reportedly been targeted.

Baza, Shot, and ASTRA telegram channels report this.

According to Russian channels, the attack on the plant began around 2:30 a.m.

The Russians write that the drones were allegedly shot down, but the wreckage of one of the UAVs crashed into a tank, after which a fire started.

Emergency services are on site.

Explosions and fire were also reported in the village of Enem in Adygea. There is currently no official information.

According to ASTRA, the "LUKOIL-Yugnaftoprodukt" oil depot is situated in Enem, approximately 8 kilometers away from the Afip Refinery, where a fire is currently burning.

The Kuban headquarters stated, "the information about the fire at the Afip Refinery is unreliable."

The Astra Telegram channel shared a video of the refinery fire and mentioned that the authorities had remained silent.

Furthermore, Russian media has reported on the supposed attack by drones from Ukraine's armed forces in Sloviansk-on-Kuban, located in the Krasnodar region. The drone is said to have crashed into a private residence, causing complete destruction. According to initial reports from the Russian side, there has been one fatality.

For reference:

It should be noted that on June 18, drones attacked an oil depot in the village of Chushka, Temryuk district, Krasnodar Territory.

Earlier that day, drones launched an attack on an oil depot located in the city of Azov in the Rostov region. This led to a fire breaking out in the tanks storing oil products, which has now been put out for the second day in a row.

As per sources, the Security Service of Ukraine orchestrated the attack on oil depots in the Russian Federation.

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