21:19 20 Jun 2024

During the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship, Ukrainian football players and fans join the activations for the return of deported children to Ukraine as part of the Bring Kids Back UA action plan

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On June 21, in Dusseldorf, the fan corps of the National Football Team of Ukraine will march in support of the Bring Kids Back UA mission — the action plan initiated by President Zelenskyy for the return of Ukrainian children illegally deported and forcibly displaced by Russia.

In addition, on June 19, ahead of the march, the Ukrainian National Football Team players will participate in a creative digital flash mob on Instagram.

During the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship, Ukrainian football players and fans join the activations for the return of deported children to Ukraine as part of the Bring Kids Back UA action plan

Both initiatives aim to highlight Russia's war crimes, specifically Russia's abduction of Ukrainian children and efforts to erase their identity. Our goal is to raise awareness among the global community about the issue of deportation and garner clear support for Ukraine. Through collective action, we aim to repatriate abducted children and ensure justice for Ukraine.


Currently, around 20,000 children have been abducted and deported by Russia (though the actual number is likely higher). Ukraine has successfully repatriated 388 children, the rest are still in Russian captivity.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has launched the "Bring Kids Back UA" action plan to address this alarming reality. This initiative has already led to the establishment of the Centre for the Protection of Children's Rights, the launch of the Children of War portal, the Stolen Voices information campaign, and the publication of a book "Living the War" vol. 2 accompanied by exhibitions globally. Additionally, a national plan for protecting children's rights has been signed, an international expert group has been established, and 38 countries have joined the International Coalition of Countries for the Return of Ukrainian Children.

To exert greater pressure on the aggressor, broader global awareness is essential. During Euro 2024, in collaboration with football players, we aim to bring attention to Russia's illegal deportation of Ukrainian children to audiences from over 24 participating countries.

The deportation issue is also crucial to address in the context of the Global Peace Summit lineup, where the release of all prisoners and deportees, including children, is a key agenda item.

We urge you to highlight Russia's deportation of Ukrainian children and Ukraine's efforts for their return and protection, particularly through our activations during Euro 2024.


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