
Ukraine and EU extend “transport visa-free” policy for another year

The agreement on the liberalization of freight transportation between Ukraine and the EU has been extended for one year with the possibility of its automatic extension until the end of 2025.

The Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal, announced the agreement between Ukraine and the European Commission regarding "transport visa-free travel."

In this way, truck transportation from Ukraine to the EU and in the reverse direction—from the European Union to Ukraine—will no longer require special permits.

Also, the updated agreement provides for several mutual obligations regarding the availability of licenses for truck transportation and marking.

"Ukraine demonstrates the practical results of integration into the economic and logistics space of the European Union. Continuation of the "transport visa-free" is one such step. It will ensure positive dynamics of exports to EU countries, making us economically more stable. Unauthorized freight transportation also accelerates the receipt by Ukrainian entrepreneurs of goods and components for the development of their production," Denys Shmyhal said.

The government leader emphasized that in the year and a half since signing the agreement, Ukraine has seen a 48% increase in exports to the EU compared to the same timeframe prior. They anticipate this upward trend to persist.

"We are grateful to our partners for such a step of solidarity, which will benefit our state and the countries of united Europe," the head of government noted and added that the extension of "transport visa-free" is another essential stage towards integration into the economic space of united Europe as a prerequisite for Ukraine's membership in EU.

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