Drone attacks set oil tanks ablaze in Rostov region and trigger explosions in Russian-occupied Crimea

Tanks carrying petroleum materials are ablaze in the city of Azov in the Rostov region of Russia. Explosions were also heard in the temporarily occupied territory of Crimea. The Russian military has blocked access to the Crimean Bridge.

The ASTRA publication and the Telegram channel "Krymskiy Veter" report this.

Rostov region

"In Azov, tanks with petroleum products caught fire as a result of an unmanned aerial vehicle attack. According to preliminary data, there are no victims," ASTRA reports with reference to the governor of the region, Vasyliy Golubev.

He pointed out that the Ministry of Emergency Situations unit was responsible for putting out the open fire.

Photo: Telegram/ "ETO ROSTOV NOVOSTI" ["This is Rostov news" – ed.]

Later, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation reported that the fire's area was 5,000 cubic meters.

"A fire engine was dispatched to the scene. 73 specialists and 21 pieces of equipment were involved in the extinguishing. There were no injuries," the message reads.

Explosions in Crimea

At 0:08 a.m. Kyiv time, the occupiers blocked the Crimean Bridge. In Kerch, the air defense forces apparently worked on the drone.

There were also reports of a potential UAV attack in Sevastopol.

At 0:33, an alarm was sounding in the military units in Sevastopol and Simferopol. At 0:38, it was reported that the aircraft had been deployed from the Belbek airfield.

At 0:39, monitoring channels reported the destruction of a missile over the Black Sea.

Meanwhile, an eyewitness filmed a drone's movement in the Simferopol district.

At 0:47, the public was informed about the opening of the Crimean Bridge.

At 1:21 a.m., the Ukrainian public reported explosions in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol.

According to reports from the Crimean public, recent explosions have occurred near Sevastopol's Rifle Bay. Witnesses have also claimed to have seen a sea drone in the bay.

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