Photos 19:48 18 Jun 2024

Solutions to win: Ukrainian-made engineering weapons make up half of 40 newly deployed in armed forces

Photo: General Staff of Ukraine’s armed forces and State Special Transport Service/ Facebook

Since the start of Russia's extensive invasion, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has codified and implemented around 40 engineering weapons in units of the Ukrainian Defense Forces. The Ukrainian enterprises produced over 20 of these weapons.

The Ministry of Defense reported that.

This is about a comprehensive list of machines, mechanisms, and other means designed to facilitate engineering support for the troops.

40 зразків інженерного озброєння

Photo: General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces and State Special Transport Service/ Facebook

Some examples of Ukrainian development and production that have been officially codified include metal detectors, various types of measuring devices, smoke grenades, remote smoke release devices, prefabricated and disassemblable fortification structures, large and dependable field power banks, etc.

40 зразків інженерного озброєння

Photo: General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces and State Special Transport Service/ Facebook

The list of codified samples of foreign production includes:

  • modern mobile generator models,
  • heavy engineering equipment of various functions,
  • mechanisms for performing a certain range of repair works, and for bridge crossings.
40 зразків інженерного озброєння

Photo: General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces and State Special Transport Service/ Facebook

It should be noted that the codification and subsequent admission of a sample of domestically produced weapons and military equipment into operation with the assignment of a NATO nomenclature number allows it to be purchased from the state budget for units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

40 зразків інженерного озброєння

Photo: General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces and State Special Transport Service/ Facebook


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