The BGV Charity Fund reports that.
What is the problem?
The war has ingrained in Ukrainians a deep appreciation for their language, literature, and writers. That's why ensuring the availability of Ukrainian books is a top priority.
Ukrainian bookstores, especially in Kharkiv, need a sufficient supply of new literature. As such, it is essential to prioritize Ukrainian books over Russian ones on library shelves. Russian books made up a significant portion of library collections in the past, but this should now change.
What is the solution?
Therefore, the BGV Charity Fund and its partners launched a charity event for Kharkiv libraries.
How does it work?
The charity event's purpose is to collect 150,000 hryvnias [approximately $3,600 – ed.], which will be used to purchase Ukrainian books for nine libraries in Kharkiv.
The action will take place on social networks and the official organizers' pages in June.
A new lot will be offered every week, which can be won with a donation.
Some of the lot items included are:
Donate sizes for participation in the draw will be indicated for each lot in the posts.
Every week, with the help of a randomizer, the team of the BGV Charitable Foundation will determine the winner from among the donors, who will be notified by e-mail.
You could also support the replenishment of Kharkiv libraries with Ukrainian books by buying an "anti-stress friend" guide, which assists in alleviating tension and promoting harmony, at "Knygoland" bookstores located in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Dnipro, Lviv, Khmelnytskyi, and Odesa.
For reference:
As reported, Ukrainians who reach the age of 18 will be able to receive state aid for the purchase of books published in the state language.
It's worth mentioning that a map of bookstores has been created in Ukraine. The map will help to foster the growth and establishment of new bookstores.
Moreover, 90 books will be translated in Ukraine this year under the Translate Ukraine program.
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