11:59 17 Jun 2024

Switzerland assumes allowing Russian dictator Putin to attend next Peace Summit despite ICC arrest warrant

Photo: lickr.com

Even though there is an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court, President Vladimir Putin of Russia may still participate in any future peace conferences and negotiations for Ukraine organized by Switzerland.

The President of Switzerland, Viola Amherd, stated this at her press conference following the summit.

When the journalists inquired about Putin's potential visit to Switzerland in light of the international arrest warrant from the ICC and the potential for additional negotiations or a peace conference in Ukraine, Amherd responded that it could indeed happen.

"Yes, if the presence of a statesman is necessary for holding a conference, then an exception can be made. And in the case of negotiations on peace in Ukraine with Russia, this would be just such a case. But it should be the government's decision," she said.

Her words were also confirmed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, Ignazio Cassis. He said it could be arranged.

"This is possible according to our laws. Of course, we have to do it together with the ICC, but as a host state, we can make an exception to this," he said.

For reference:

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin in connection with his involvement in crimes committed during the war in Ukraine.

This decision was an essential step in the process of international justice and accountability for war crimes. The arrest warrant was issued based on allegations of gross violations of international law, including crimes against humanity and war crimes.

The warrant aims to bring Putin to justice and ensure justice for the victims of the war. Despite diplomatic and political immunity, the issuance of a warrant for Putin's arrest is a powerful signal from the international community that impunity for such actions is unacceptable.

The Ukraine Peace Summit took place in Switzerland on June 15 and 16. Representatives of 100 countries and international organizations participated in it.

Despite the mass media's statement, the participants of the peace summit adopted a joint declaration. It should be noted that it was signed by 78 states and four organizations. The declaration outlined three main points related to nuclear, food, and humanitarian security.

Saudi Arabia, Thailand, India, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, and Jordan are among those who did not sign the communique.

As the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Kuleba, explained, the document will be open. That is, the countries will be able to sign it even after the summit.

The results of the Peace Summit will also be presented to the representatives of the Russian Federation.

President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the second peace summit: Ukraine does not have time for long-term work on achieving peace in the war with Russia; it is necessary to act quickly.

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, Ignazio Cassis, the second peace summit may take place before the presidential elections in the United States of America.

Some countries have already expressed their interest in hosting the next peace summit.

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