
United to win: Rheinmetall to provide Ukraine with revolutionary Frankenstein air defense tank

The German arms company Rheinmetall has announced that it will deliver a new air defense tank, the Frankenstein, to Ukraine. This advanced tank can target and take down missiles and drones.

The Telegraph reports this.

According to Rheinmetall, the new tank will be based on the Leopard 1 and feature the state-of-the-art Skyranger anti-aircraft system installed on its hull. This new vehicle is expected to enhance Ukraine's defense capabilities significantly.

Weapons systems capable of countering short-range threats, such as drone and missile attacks, are increasingly seen as critical on Ukraine's front lines in the so-called "first drone war."

"There are still many Leopard 1 main battle tanks on the chassis of which we could mount a Skyranger turret with a 35 mm automatic cannon," Björn Bernhard, head of Land Systems at Rheinmetall, said.

Rheinmetall only recently developed the Skyranger system, which boasts sophisticated sensors with a 360-degree view of the battlefield and is capable of dealing with swarms of drones.

The publication notes that the Ukrainian army has already received about a hundred Leopard 1 tanks in the usual configuration. But Ukrainian leaders have repeatedly called for more support in strengthening Ukrainian air defense to counter constant attacks by Russian drones that strike energy facilities.

"We focus on the long-term perspective in Ukraine. We don't just supply equipment and then take it out – we show that we will be there constantly and support Ukraine," said Bernhard.

For reference:

The Skyranger 35 is a state-of-the-art mobile anti-aircraft artillery system designed to defend troops and important targets from airborne threats such as drones, helicopters, and cruise missiles.

The main armament of the Skyranger 35 includes a 35-mm automatic cannon, the Oerlikon Revolver Gun, capable of firing with a high rate of fire and accuracy. Skyranger is equipped with modern sensors and radars that detect, track, and destroy targets in automatic mode.

Skyranger 35 can be installed on various mobile platforms, which ensures high maneuverability and operational deployment. The complex is integrated with fire control systems and can be part of a single air defense network with multi-level protection.

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