14:35 17 Jun 2024

Ukraine needs over $14 bln in next decade to rebuild medical system – Ministry of Health

In the next ten years, Ukraine needs more than 14 billion dollars to restore its medical system, including hospitals.

The Minister of Health, Viktor Liashko, reported that.

Furthermore, the ministry's head stressed that Russia is not only targeting Ukrainian hospitals but also ambulances and pharmacies. They are taking away crucial equipment and medicines and even killing doctors.

"The total losses of the medical field from the war are colossal — at least 17.8 billion dollars," the minister noted.

According to him, 1,618 medical facilities have been damaged as a result of Russian attacks, and another 214 have been completely destroyed and cannot be restored. Most of them are in the Kharkiv, Donetsk, Mykolaiv, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions.

Liashko emphasized that the support of international partners is critical to the continued functioning and development of Ukraine's medical system.

"After all, despite everything, we are working on building a system of high-quality, accessible, and free medical care for every Ukrainian. In the conditions of war, when the number of people with injuries and wounds increases every day, this issue becomes even more urgent," he noted.

At the same time, about 880 medical institutions have already been restored since the beginning of the full-scale war. These are hospitals in the de-occupied territories and those that suffered minor damage: they had broken windows, broken roofs, or a damaged facade.

The Ministry of Health stressed that restoring Ukrainian hospitals is one of the state's priorities despite the war. That is why restoration work will continue. In particular, only in the Mykolaiv region were 81 medical facilities fully restored, and another 51 were partially restored.

In total, 508 medical facilities in Ukraine were fully restored, and another 360 were partially restored.

For reference:

It should be noted that the German government provided funds for the construction of a modern hospital in the Zaporizhzhia region. This is already the sixth modular hospital in Ukraine, financed by the German government as part of the project "Special program of support for Ukraine / EU4ResilientRegions" and carried out by GIZ Ukraine.

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