Norway allocates over $70 mln to Ukraine to repair energy infrastructure

Ukraine will receive financial assistance from Norway to repair the energy infrastructure that was damaged as a result of massive Russian attacks.

The Guardian reports this.

As noted, the Norwegian government will provide Ukraine with 1.1 billion kroner (about $74 million) to help repair the energy infrastructure.

"Russia is carrying out massive, systematic attacks to paralyze the power grid, but Ukrainians are working day and night to maintain essential electricity supplies for the population," Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store said.

As the head of the government emphasized, Norway conducts a dialogue with Ukraine about how to use the provided funds most effectively, but "Ukrainians have the best insight into what is needed."

The prime minister also added that it is important to start repairing the infrastructure before the onset of winter.

As reported, Norway has already decided that 120 million kroner will go to repair the power industry in Kharkiv. Solar batteries will be installed in seven maternity wards and operating rooms in the Kharkiv region.

Norway's assistance

Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store announced on May 31 in Stockholm that Norway will allocate NOK 2.7 billion for air defense measures in Ukraine.

As the Norwegian diplomatic service emphasizes, €125 million of this amount will be used for a joint initiative of Germany, Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands to supply 100 missiles for the Patriot system, which was announced by German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius the day before.

Also, on May 31 in Stockholm, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and Prime Minister of Norway Jonas Gahr Store signed an Agreement on cooperation in the field of security and long-term support.

In addition, the Norwegian government will allocate an additional $600 million in 2024 to strengthen Ukrainian air defense and humanitarian aid.

In addition, Norway has promised that the fighter coalition will transfer a "significant number" of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. The fighters will be equipped with the latest weapons and will be able to strike behind the front line.

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