19:58 15 Jun 2024

Agreed action plan will be brought to Russia to record real end of war at second Peace Summit — Zelensky

Фото: Скриншот з відео

During his speech at the first plenary session of the Global Peace Summit, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that the plan of action agreed upon at the Peace Summit will be brought to the representatives of the Russian Federation so that the real end of the war can be recorded at the second Peace Summit.

Rubryka reports this.

"There is no Russia here now. Why? Because if Russia was interested in peace, there would not be this war. We must decide together what a just peace means for the world and how it can be achieved in a truly long-term way. The UN Charter is the basis for us. And then, when the plan of action is already on the table, agreed upon by all, and understood by all peoples, it will be voiced to the representatives of Russia. And so that we could record the real end of the war at the second Peace Summit. Now, we are starting this path. We all have to prove together that a united world is a world of peace, a world that knows how to act correctly," Zelensky said.

Zelensky noted that 101 states and international organizations were present at the summit.

"We were able to avoid one of the most terrible things — the division of the world into opposing blocs. There are representatives from Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, the Pacific region, and North America, as well as religious leaders. 101 participants. And no one has the privilege of deciding for another. This is true multipolarity," the president said.

Zelensky added that every state not represented at the summit, "but that shares the same values ​​in deeds and words will be able to join our work in the further stages of the Peace Formula."

"The very idea of ​​war has already lost. Putin must switch from the language of ultimatums to the language of the world majority, which wants a just peace," Zelensky also said.

What is known about the Global Peace Summit

We will remind that the Global Peace Summit will take place on June 15-16 at the Bürgenstock resort in central Switzerland.

More than 90 delegations, including 57 heads of state and government worldwide, will participate in the peace conference. Russia was not invited to the summit and repeatedly rejected it. All those present will be given the opportunity to express their vision of a just and sustainable peace in Ukraine.

The head of the Federal Council of Switzerland, Viola Amherd, opened the two-day Global Peace Summit dedicated to the discussion of the Ukrainian "peace formula".

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Switzerland to take part in the Global Peace Summit.

On the sidelines of the inaugural Peace Summit in Switzerland, the President of Ukraine held a meeting with the President of Chile, Gabriel Boric. The head of the Ukrainian state noted the personal participation of Boric in the Global Peace Summit and the wide representation of Latin American countries at the level of leaders.

Zelensky also met with the President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili. The head of the Ukrainian state discussed Russian air terror against Ukraine's energy system and emphasized that Ukraine is making all possible efforts to restore electricity generation.

Zelensky met with His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. The head of state thanked His Holiness for supporting Ukraine, praying for peace, and helping Ukrainians who suffered as a result of Russian aggression.

Zelensky held a meeting with US Vice President Kamala Harris, who heads the American delegation at the summit. The head of the Ukrainian state thanked US President Joseph Biden and his team for the bilateral security agreement signed in Italy, as well as the US Congress, both parties and chambers, for approving the aid package for Ukraine in April this year.



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