Віола Амгерд. Фото: Denis Balibouse / Reuters
EP writes about it.
The program of the Peace Summit includes plenary meetings and discussions on three points of the "peace formula":
"The summit also offers an opportunity to discuss at the highest level for the first time how and when Russia could be included in this process. For the Federal Council (Switzerland. – ed.), the development of a long-term solution ultimately requires the participation of both sides," the Swiss government announced.
We will remind that the Global Peace Summit will take place on June 15-16 at the Bürgenstock resort in central Switzerland.
According to the Swiss government, the summit's purpose is to "initiate a peace process, create an atmosphere of trust, and outline ideas for the next steps towards such a process."
More than 90 delegations, including 57 heads of state and government worldwide, will participate in the peace conference. Russia was not invited to the summit, and it itself repeatedly rejected the idea of it. All those present will be given the opportunity to express their vision of a just and sustainable peace in Ukraine.
As reported on the eve of the summit in Switzerland, problematic provisions of the meeting's final document, which could have undesirable consequences for Ukraine, were corrected—the text of the decision was changed in recent days.
Already on June 9, Switzerland sent a new draft of a joint communiqué to all countries, in which it unexpectedly retreated from many of the positions it had promoted.
In the May draft decision of the Peace Summit, there was no mention of the word "aggression," now, the text refers to "aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine."
The previous draft of the summit decision, proposed by the Swiss, created a legal window to include, if necessary, Ukraine's renunciation of part of its territory in the conditions of "permanent peace with the Russian Federation."
Now, the project clearly states that the basis of sustainable peace will be only "such a decision, which will be based on the principle of respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states."
The new wording says that only peace proposals that comply with international law (that is, the unconditional return of the 1991 borders unless Ukraine itself revises them) and the UN Charter (in particular, Ukraine's unconditional right to continue to repel Russia's aggression and liberate the occupied territories ) will be taken into account.
After that, several states that planned to participate in the meeting refused to travel to Switzerland.
As of June 5, Switzerland officially announced that it "received more than 80 confirmations of participation at the level of heads of state and government," and according to officials, the total number of confirmed participants exceeded a hundred.
However, in the following days, this phrase had to be removed from the event website, and now it says that "about 90 states have confirmed their participation in the Summit for the sake of peace in Ukraine, most of them at the level of heads of state or government."
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