Фото: Телеграм / Армія дронів
Rubryka writes about this, referring to the Army of Drones.
What is the problem?
Unmanned systems have played a significant role during the hostilities in Ukraine after the large-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in February 2022.
After all, they can replace the defenders, thus saving their lives. They also take part in evacuating the wounded and the demining process.
The Ukrainian army needs more and more modifications of the ground drones.
What is the solution?
In Cherkasy, developers are making multi-functional ground drones that can be used to mine the territory, deliver ammunition, and evacuate the wounded.
How does it work?
Photo: Telegran / Army of Drones
To do this, a trailer is connected, the sides are folded down, and stretchers are placed. The pilot's eyes can be a camera or an FPV drone.
Drone characteristics:
Photo: Telegran / Army of Drones
We will remind you that the Ukrainian military invented a unique ground drone.
In addition, students of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute are assembling radio-controlled electronic evacuation vehicles for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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