13:59 14 Jun 2024

Solutions from Ukraine: Sumy theater breaks barriers with adapted plays for visually impaired audience

Photo: Sumy National Theatre named after Shchepkin

Starting in October, 2024, the Sumy National Theater named after Shchepkin will be adapting plays for individuals with visual impairments.

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy reports this on its website.

What is the problem?

Blindness is recognized as the most severe disability, making it extremely challenging for individuals who are blind to fully integrate into modern society and achieve self-fulfillment within it.
Due to the ongoing war, the population of Ukrainians who have become blind has significantly risen.

What is the solution?

Therefore, the Sumy National Theater named after Shchepkin will be adapting performances for people with visual impairments.

How does it work?

"The Sumy National Theater named after Shchepkin will receive grant support from the Ukrainian Cultural Fund within the framework of the "Culture without barriers" competition program for the implementation of the "Feel the Theater" project for people with visual impairments," the message reads.

The theater will adapt plays from July to October.

As noted, special headphones will be issued to people with visual impairments.

While watching the play, between the lines of the characters, the audience will be explained what is happening on the stage. In this way, people with visual impairments will be also able experience the performances emotionally.

Starting around August, individuals with visual impairments will have the opportunity to attend performances in Sumy and other cities in the region during tours.

The theater will also distribute leaflets with braille, which will contain information about the project and performances.

Tickets for the visually impaired will be free, but headphones will need to be reserved before the performance.
For reference:

As previously reported by Rubryka, the Rivne Theater is now accessible for people with disabilities. It has started to showcase plays specifically tailored for the blind and visually impaired audience.

Moreover, in 2024, more than 37,000 copies of textbooks will be printed in Braille in Ukraine.

In addition, the government adopted a resolution obliging state bodies to make all sites accessible in accordance with international standards. That is, content on information resources will become more accessible to people with visual, hearing or motor impairments.

Rubryka also reported that a list of shelters available for people with visual impairments was published on the Kyiv's Official Portal.

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