16:47 14 Jun 2024

Ukraine's foreign ministry responds to Putin's manipulative statement: "Russia fears real peace"

Photo: UNIAN

On Friday, June 14, Putin made another series of manipulative statements, the purpose of which is to mislead the international community, undermine diplomatic efforts aimed at achieving a just peace, and split the unity of the world majority around the goals and principles of the UN Charter.

This is stated in the commentary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs finds it ridiculous that Putin is trying to position himself as a peacekeeper while he and his accomplices orchestrated the largest armed attack in Europe since World War II. His proposals for ending the war he initiated only undermine the principles of the international legal system and the UN Charter.

"All the ultimatums issued by Putin have already sounded many times from Moscow, and there is nothing new in these regular statements. At the same time, the timing of their announcement is indicative. Throwing such signals into the information space on the eve of the inaugural Global Peace Summit in Switzerland, Putin pursues only one goal: to prevent participation leaders and countries at this summit. The appearance of Putin's statements just a day before the start of the summit shows that Russia is afraid of real peace," the message says.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is convinced that all peace-loving countries that respect the UN Charter and sincerely seek the restoration of peace in Ukraine are well aware of the real motives of Russian statements and will not allow themselves to be misled. Putin does not seek peace, he seeks the division of the world. He perfectly understands that the powerful voice of the world, which will be heard at the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland, will be the first practical step towards a just peace. Russia's plans are not for peace, but for the continuation of the war, the occupation of Ukraine, the destruction of the Ukrainian people, and further aggression in Europe.

"Ukraine has never sought this war and like no one else in the world wants its end. But in order to force Russia to abandon aggression, the efforts of one country are not enough. A powerful and effective international coalition of states that share the principles of a just peace based on the Peace Formula is needed and the UN Charter, to which it fully complies. The participation of as many countries and international organizations as possible in the inaugural Global Peace Summit is critical in order to force Russia to abandon ultimatums and move to good faith negotiations to end the war, not propaganda statements under the guise of terrible missile shelling of Ukraine," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs summarized.

For reference:

As reported, the leader of the aggressor country of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, speaking at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, repeated again that he is allegedly "ready for peace negotiations", but for this, Ukraine must withdraw its troops from all regions occupied by the Russians, which the Kremlin calls "the territory of the Russian Federation ", and to announce the refusal to join NATO.


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