United to win: Netherlands to join production of Swedish CV90 infantry fighting vehicles and deliver 152-mm shells to Kyiv

Sweden and the Netherlands plan to jointly produce CV90 infantry fighting vehicles for Ukraine. The Netherlands also said that Ukraine will receive 152 mm shells worth more than €350 million, which will be allocated from the International Fund for Support of Ukraine (IFU).

This was stated by the defense ministers of the two countries, Paul Johnson and Kajsa Ollongren, on the sidelines of the NATO headquarters, according to Radio Svoboda and the Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands.


Ollongren confirmed the reports of the Dutch media that her country allocates funds for the production of infantry fighting vehicles in Sweden.

"We're trying to increase production, really scale it up, and also improve interoperability. So … my government last week decided to allocate 400 million euros for the production of the CV90 for Ukraine. This will mean that the production capacity will increase significantly," she said.

The funds will go to the Swedish fund, but Ollongren noted that part of the production will take place in the Netherlands.

In turn, Paul Johnson noted that Sweden cooperates "very closely" with the Netherlands in supporting Ukraine, including cooperation in the CV90 combat vehicle coalition.

"We are getting a lot of lessons from the Ukrainians regarding the operation of this platform. The Ukrainians are very satisfied with the way the CV90 performed on the battlefield," he said.

When asked about the possible delivery of the first machines, Johnson assumed that this would happen by the end of 2025.

Kajsa Ollongren also reported that the Netherlands would be able to provide Ukraine with:

  • one radar,
  • three launchers for the Patriot system.

"We refer to it as the 'Patriot puzzle' – meaning that various countries are seeking assistance in putting together the complete Patriot system, or even more. I am extremely optimistic," she added.

It should be noted that Sweden will deliver 50 CV-90 combat vehicles and Archer self-propelled guns to Ukraine and calls on the EU to increase defense production.

Moreover, the Netherlands said that Ukraine will receive 152 mm shells worth more than €350 million.

"Ukraine will receive 152 mm projectiles in the amount of more than €350 million, which will be allocated from the International Fund for the Support of Ukraine (IFU)," the Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands said in a statement.

It is noted that the exact number of shells and delivery dates will not be disclosed "for security reasons." But this is one of the largest orders of the IFU from the international arms industry.

For reference:
Ukraine has primarily received 155mm howitzer shells from the previous ammunition supplies, although it also possesses a number of 152mm guns.

The department also mentioned that the first F-16 fighters will be delivered to Ukraine after summer. Ukrainian military personnel are currently being trained in the USA and Denmark to operate these aircraft.

In total, the Netherlands plans to deliver 24 fighters.

The Netherlands will also allocate €60 million for the purchase and production of drones for Ukraine.

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