United to win: Norway to supply Ukraine with mortar ammunition worth over $45 mln

Norway will supply Ukraine with 81-mm mortar ammunition at around NOK 480 million [approximately $45 mln – ed.]

The Norwegian government reports this on its official website.

"Ukraine's need for firepower is great and urgent. After dialogue with the Norwegian Armed Forces, we have assessed what we can do for further donations from Norwegian Armed Forces stockpiles that can be quickly redeployed to Ukraine to help prevent a larger Russian offensive. We have now transferred ammunition for 81-mm mortars worth about NOK 480 million," Norwegian Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram said.

The message states that 81-mm mortars usually have a range of 5-6 kilometers and complement heavy artillery at shorter ranges.

The government also noted that Norway had also recently sent:

  • hand grenades worth NOK 50 million,
  • sniper ammunition worth NOK 3 million.

Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre announced on May 31 in Stockholm that Norway will allocate NOK 2.7 billion for air defense measures in Ukraine.

As emphasized in the Norwegian diplomatic service, 125 million euros of this amount will be used for the joint initiative of Germany, Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands to supply 100 missiles for the Patriot system, which was announced by German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius.

"Today, Germany confirmed that, together with Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands, it will finance the re-purchase of the Patriot system so that 100 Patriot missiles can be quickly transferred to Ukraine. Norway will allocate 125 million euros for this cooperation," the message emphasized.

For reference:

It should be noted that on May 31 in Stockholm, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, and the Prime Minister of Norway, Jonas Gahr Støre, signed the Agreement on cooperation in the field of security and long-term support.

In addition, the Norwegian government will allocate an additional $600 million in 2024 to strengthen Ukrainian air defense and humanitarian aid.

Norway also promised that the coalition of fighters would transfer a "significant number" of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. The fighters will be equipped with the latest weapons and can strike behind the front line.

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