Exclusive 16:22 12 Jun 2024

11-year-old culinary prodigy showcases Ukrainian cuisine at Food Zürich festival in Switzerland

This photo is from the family archive featuring Mark Dzialak with his homemade Easter paskas.

Mark Dzialak, who has family ties to Ukraine, has become the youngest participant in the "Food Zürich" festival. On June 8, the young boy led his first cooking class, showcasing his skills in making five different types of dumplings. His creations were enjoyed and sampled by 23 individuals. The upcoming class is set to take place on June 15.

Rubryka has already reported on the young chef, Mark Dzialak.

What is the problem?

Every depiction of Ukraine abroad holds significant importance as it brings attention to our country from various perspectives. It highlights the ongoing conflict with Russia and showcases the diverse richness of Ukrainian history and culture.

What is the solution?

There are many ways to shine the spotlight on Ukraine, and that's precisely what young chef Mark Dzialak is doing. With a Ukrainian mother and a Polish father, Mark and his family reside in Switzerland. Yet, despite their location, Mark's passion for Ukrainian food and cooking has been present since the age of five. Now, he proudly showcases Ukrainian cuisine at Switzerland's biggest festival, "Food Zürich."

Марк Дзялак

Dumplings made at Mark Dzialak's master class

"Participation was optional, but passing a proper assessment was necessary. The organizers deliberated whether a candidate as young as Mark could meet their criteria. However, Mark succeeded in the selection process," the chef's mother, Anna Savytska, says.

"This is very important because the whole of Zurich will be at the festival. This is a great opportunity for chefs to show their dishes to people and for me – to present Ukrainian dishes," Mark Dzialak says.

How did everything happen?

The inaugural master class took place on June 8, with 23 pre-registered attendees. The Dzialak-Savytsky family was busy preparing for the class, with Mark planning out his chosen recipes and his parents carefully procuring all the necessary ingredients.

Марк Дзялак

Mark Dzialak, during his master class

"I'm going to make Shevchenko varenyky (made with buckwheat flour and filled with cheese), as well as varenyky with cheese, cherries, cabbage, and potatoes. Oh, and I might also make some with meat. And of course, my signature dish – varenyshe. They are extra large and perfect for enjoying in a flavorful broth," Mark Dzialak says.

The essence of the master class is that Mark cooks, and the participants repeat after him. Ultimately, everyone sits at the same table and has dinner with what they have prepared.

The master class on June 8 ran for over five hours, with a special guest appearance from the Ambassador of Ukraine, Iryna Venediktova. One of the most popular dishes among the attendees was the buckwheat dumplings, which were said to be Taras Shevchenko's favorite.

Марк Дзялак

Mark Dzialak, together with Ms. Ambassador of Ukraine to Switzerland Iryna Venediktova

Mark plans to redo his master class on June 15, as there are already registered participants.

For reference:

"Food Zürich" is the third-largest food festival in Europe. This year, it will take place from June 6 to 16. More than 100 different events are planned.

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