Photos 15:43 12 Jun 2024

Solutions to win: eight-year-old Lviv girl raises funds for armed forces with jewelry making, buys two drones

Photo: Suspilne Lviv / Olha Deyneka

Marta Frydrak, an 8-year-old from Lviv, creates stunning brooches and pendants with her mother using polymer clay and sells them. Marta buys drones for Ukraine's armed forces with the money they earn.

Suspilne Lviv reports this.

It has been reported that in fewer than two months, the girl and her mother have already started making polymer clay jewelry, and the little volunteer has already purchased two drones, with a third one on the way.

Прикраси для ЗСУ, Марта Фридрак

Photo: Suspilne Lviv / Olha Deyneka

Marta creates brooches and pendants shaped like doves, swallows, maps of Ukraine, flowers, and hearts. The Lviv native began pursuing her creative talents to support and assist defenders six weeks ago. She has already raised enough funds to purchase two drones quickly.

Прикраси для ЗСУ, Марта Фридрак

Photo: Suspilne Lviv / Olha Deyneka

"I really love our Ukraine and our defenders. They help us protect our native land, and we want to do something to help. And we decided to make decorations and collect funds for drones. And these drones will help our defenders," the girl shares.

Прикраси для ЗСУ, Марта Фридрак

Photo: Suspilne Lviv / Olha Deyneka

According to the mother of the young volunteer, Ivanna Frydrak, when her daughter expressed a desire to support Ukraine's armed forces, her godmother stepped in to help.

Прикраси для ЗСУ, Марта Фридрак

Photo: Suspilne Lviv / Olha Deyneka

"Marta really wanted to get involved in a meaningful cause and support our defenders. Together with her godmother, they came up with an idea while browsing the internet about the current trend of polymer clay products. They brainstormed how they could use this to raise funds," the mother says.

Marta sells her products to individuals from various cities across Ukraine. She's currently getting ready to purchase her third drone, and her ultimate dream is to acquire a thousand UAVs.

For reference:

It should be noted that the 64-year-old resident of the village of Opishnya, Poltava region, Oleksandr Kanibolotsky, completed the cycling race and collected 1 million 600 thousand hryvnias for Ukraine's armed forces, cycling through five regions and covering more than a thousand kilometers in total.

In addition, 12-year-old Diana Nasibova from Nizhyn studies and participates in clubs during the day, and in the evening, she weaves patriotic bracelets and charms from beads to raise funds for the army in the Chernihiv region. Within two years, the young girl has raised over two million hryvnias for the needs of the Ukrainian soldiers.

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