09:59 11 Jun 2024

Peace summit statement excludes demand for Russian troop withdrawal from Ukraine

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The participants of the peace summit will be offered a draft of a joint statement, which will not contain a call for the withdrawal of the Russian Federation's troops from the Ukraine territory.

NHK reports this.

As the television and radio company notes, according to the Swiss government's statement, 90 countries and organizations will attend the summit.

In particular, the draft joint statement mentions only three of the ten points of the Ukrainian peace formula. It is about:

  • safety of nuclear power plants;
  • food security;
  • release of all prisoners and the return of children who were deported to Russia.

At the same time, the document does not contain requirements for:

  • withdrawal of Russian terrorists from Ukrainian territory;
  • restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

However, the joint statement will emphasize the importance of the Russian Federation's participation in discussions on achieving peace.

"According to diplomatic sources, the withdrawal of Russian troops and other provisions that Ukraine calls for were not included in the draft statement, taking into account the positions of some Asian and Middle Eastern countries with fast-growing economies that maintain ties with Russia," NHK adds.

For reference:

The Swiss government has decided to hold a two-day high-level conference on June 15-16 to achieve peace in Ukraine. Russia will not participate in the event.

It should be noted that in November 2022, Zelensky voiced the "peace formula," which should contribute to the end of a full-scale war on fair terms for the first time. The aforementioned "formula" will be discussed during the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland.

The President's Office chief, Andriy Yermak, proposed that Russia could take part in the Global Peace Summit but not in its initial session.

In addition, on May 7, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called on countries with developing economies to participate in the Global Peace Summit regarding Ukraine.

It is worth noting that on May 31, China decided not to participate in the Global Peace Summit regarding Ukraine, which will be held in Switzerland in June. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China stated that the Peace Summit does not meet all the criteria Beijing puts forward for such venues.

Recently, at the "Dialogue – Shangri La" conference in Singapore, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky compared the positions of the US and China regarding the Peace Summit and emphasized that China was working to disrupt it.

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