21:54 11 Jun 2024

United to win: Ukraine invites Lithuania to establish joint defense enterprises

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

During the TechBatt 2024 technology conference in Vilnius, the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Kateryna Chernohorenko, had a meeting with Lithuania's Minister of National Defense, Laurynas Kaščunas, and his deputy, Greta Monika Tučkutė.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports this.

 "I am delighted to welcome everyone to Vilnius, the capital of our ally and partner. I want to express my gratitude to the entire Lithuanian people for their unwavering support for Ukraine and to the Ministry of National Defense of Lithuania for their dedication and fulfillment of their commitments. We are committed to enhancing our cooperation," said Kateryna Chernohorenko, addressing the conference participants.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the potential for establishing joint ventures and the Ukrainian military's eagerness to exchange combat experience with Lithuanian manufacturers promptly. Ukraine has expressed interest in testing products from Lithuanian developers.

 "I especially thank Lithuania for its active participation in the Drone Coalition and the IT Coalition. Joint ventures are one of the key areas of our cooperation. Ukrainian experience and Lithuanian expertise can create new effective means for superiority over the enemy," Kateryna Chernohorenko emphasized.

For reference:

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Lithuania has provided more than 600 million euros in military aid to Ukraine. Recently, Lithuania announced the allocation of 3 million euros for the purchase of drones within the framework of the Drone Coalition.

In addition, Lithuania leads the demining coalition and assists in the field of Ukraine's cybersecurity.


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