Ukraine plans ambitious gas-powered growth, aiming for one GW in 2024 and four GW in future – Zelensky

With the help of partners, Ukraine plans to build up to 1 gigawatt of gas-fired power generation in 2024 and another 4 gigawatts in the coming years.

President Volodymyr Zelensky stated this at the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 opening.

As the head of the Ukrainian state noted, high, efficient, decentralized, maneuverable gas generation is an element of Ukraine's energy industry's normal functioning.

Ultimately, it is already capable of resolving the current energy shortage, and in the future, it will transition to utilizing water to offset the emergence of "green" energy.

"In this field, European, particularly German companies, are technological leaders. Right in this field, we already have a clear plan on how to build up to 1 gigawatt of capacity this year. Today and another 4 gigawatts in the coming years," Zelensky emphasized.


It should be noted that on June 11, the Ukraine Recovery Conference started in the German capital of Berlin, with the participation of Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky and the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Olaf Scholz.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, has already arrived in Germany to attend the Ukraine Recovery Conference.

The head of the Ukrainian state also noted that he would hold negotiations with Olaf Scholz regarding further defense support, development of the Ukrainian air defense system, and joint production of weapons.

For reference:

From March 22 to May 8, the Russians purposefully attacked all of Ukraine's major thermal and hydroelectric power plants five times. Damages from attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure are estimated at more than one billion dollars.

It is worth noting that Ukraine lost 50% of its power generation capacity due to shelling; the authorities are working on restoration to have as much generation as possible by winter.

On June 7, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine[Ukraine's government – ed.] instructed state and local authorities to reduce electricity consumption. In particular, officials were obliged to abandon using air conditioners and external lighting of buildings and the surrounding area, and local authorities were urged to limit street lighting.

It should be added that the Cabinet of Ministers approved the order establishing the rules for applying blackout schedules, which will start working on June 24. The government hopes this will allow it to ensure "fair schedules."

In Ukraine, starting June 24, the amount of electricity needed for critical infrastructure will be deducted from the available electricity. After that, consumption limits will be set evenly between regions.

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