United to win: “Ukroboronprom” and Rheinmetall launch joint workshop in Ukraine to repair and produce armored vehicles

A production workshop, jointly operated by the Ukrainian Defense Industry JointStock Company (Ukroboronprom) and German arms company Rheinmetall, has begun operations in Ukraine. Its purpose is to repair and potentially manufacture armored vehicles.

According to the Ministry of Strategic Industries report, the Minister of Strategic Industries, Oleksandr Kamyshin, announced this.

What is the problem?

The great war with Russia has been going on in Ukraine for more than two years. Most of the equipment damaged during the fighting was sent abroad for repair due to Russian air attacks on defense enterprises.

"[Ukrainians] have to help themselves – if they always have to wait [for] Europeans or Americans to help them for the next 10 or 20 years … it's impossible," Papperger [Rheinmetall AG's Chairman – ed.] previously said.

What is the solution?

In December, it was announced that Ukraine and the German arms company Rheinmetall plan to start manufacturing armored vehicles on Ukrainian soil soon.

How does it work?

"The joint production site of Ukroboronprom and Rheinmetall – a workshop for repairing and producing armored vehicles – has become operational in Ukraine. This is the first implemented project within the framework of the partnership between Ukroboronprom and the German defense giant," the message emphasized.

Photo: t.me/zalizni_zminy

According to Kamyshin, the launch of a joint workshop will allow faster repair of foreign equipment and, therefore, faster return to the front line.

The workshop plans to produce new models of armored vehicles in the future.

"This will enable us to provide quick repair and maintenance of German equipment directly on the territory of Ukraine, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of Ukraine's armed forces. We are grateful to our German partners for their trust and support, enabling us to confidently move towards victory and integrate into the European collective security system," Deputy Minister of Defense Dmytro Klimenkov said.

The minister stressed that this will benefit not only the Ukrainian military but also the country's economy. Local experts will be employed in the workshop under the guidance of German colleagues, and taxes will be paid in Ukraine.

"This must be happening in Ukraine: foreign partners are confident in us, our professionalism, and the high potential of the domestic defense-industrial complex," Ukroboronprom General Director Herman Smetanin stressed.

For reference:

The Federal Antimonopoly Office of Germany allowed Rheinmetall to create a joint venture with Ukraine at the end of September. The company, it was reported, would be based in Kyiv.

Rheinmetall noted that the Kremlin's threats to intensify the bombing of Ukraine would not affect the intentions of the German arms company to build a tank plant in Ukraine.

It was previously reported that the German concern, Rheinmetall, was negotiating the construction of a tank plant in Ukraine.

Moreover, Rheinmetall is actively helping Ukraine in the war against Russia by supplying ammunition and various equipment. In particular, the concern recently received a new order for artillery shells for Ukraine.

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