12:08 11 Jun 2024

United to win: Germany to send additional military aid to Ukraine, including Patriot, IRIS-T, Gepard systems, and ammunition

Photo: video screenshot

Germany will transfer the third Patriot air defense system, IRIS-T, Gepard, missiles, and ammunition to Ukraine in the coming months.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said this at the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 opening ceremony in Berlin.

During the speech, the head of the German government called on the world leaders present to support the initiative to increase the Ukrainian air defense capabilities in every possible way.

"Because the best reconstruction is the one that doesn't have to be implemented," emphasized Scholz.

The chancellor added that he will advocate for "far-reaching and long-term commitments for Ukraine" at the upcoming G7 meeting.


It should be noted that on June 11, the Ukraine Recovery Conference started in the German capital of Berlin, with the participation of Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky and the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Olaf Scholz.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, has already arrived in Germany to attend the Ukraine Recovery Conference.

The head of the Ukrainian state also noted that he would hold negotiations with Olaf Scholz regarding further defense support, development of the Ukrainian air defense system, and joint production of weapons.

For reference:

On April 17, the German government launched an initiative to find additional means of air defense that could be transferred to Ukraine. Berlin later reported that it was discussing financing the initiative with Denmark and the Netherlands.

In April, Belgium also announced 200 million euros for the German initiative; in May, Canada pledged more than $55 million.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius also announced his intention to purchase three HIMARS rocket launchers from the United States and transfer them to Ukraine.

Also, on May 31, Germany announced the transfer of another Patriot air defense system to Ukraine.

What is known about the transfer of air defense equipment to Ukraine by partner countries

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