
Rebuilding Ukraine: Ukraine, EU, and Lithuania unite to bring back skilled Ukrainians from abroad through new project

During the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024, the Create Ukraine pilot project was launched to facilitate the repatriation of Ukrainian specialists currently working abroad.

The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine reports this.

What is the problem?

As the First Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko noted, according to various estimates, there are currently up to 6.5 million forced migrants from Ukraine in different countries of the world.

"I really want to tell Ukrainians living abroad that Ukraine is waiting for you; you are wanted here. The knowledge and abilities you have gained from other countries are precious for our future. That's why we urge you to consider applying for the Create Ukraine program. Become part of the government's team and utilize your experience to help strengthen our nation. Your efforts will significantly impact the lives of millions of Ukrainians during these challenging times in our history," Svyrydenko emphasized.

What is the solution?

A corresponding memorandum was signed in Berlin between the Ministry of Economy, the Charity Fund of the Kyiv School of Economics KSE Foundation, and the Lithuanian organization Central Project Management Agency.

Photo: Ministry of Economy

As part of this project, Ukrainians who currently live abroad can return and work on project teams for Ukrainian government agencies. The project funds will cover the participants' fees and other expenses, including the costs of returning to Ukraine.

"The KSE Foundation's core focus is the preservation and growth of human capital. For years, we have championed and offered avenues for talented Ukrainians to thrive through our various programs. As a result, we have great faith in the abilities and intellect of our young generation. Your expertise is vital to the country's progress, and Create Ukraine provides the platform to influence state reforms directly. It is a remarkable opportunity to truly make a difference in driving economic transformations amidst the ongoing war," KSE Foundation Director Svitlana Denysenko said.

How does it work?

The Create Ukraine project is modeled on the example of the successful Create Lithuania program, which has been implemented in Lithuania since 2012. Thanks to their knowledge and ideas, the program allows professionals to contribute to shaping the country's future. Specialists of Lithuanian origin with experience acquired at the international level participate in the program. During the year, program participants work in the public sector in areas such as digitization, e-government, competitiveness, business environment, and improving public administration – especially in the areas of innovation, sustainable development, and mental health.

"After I returned to my native country, having agreed to participate in Create Lithuania, I could apply my foreign experience in the public sector and stayed to work at the Central Project Management Agency. Thanks to my participation in Ukrainian projects, I realized that such a program as Create Ukraine may be exactly what Ukraine needs right now," Dalia Krapavitskaite, project manager of the Central Project Management Agency (CPMA, Lithuania), said.

More about Create Ukraine and apply for participation here.

The pilot project was created during the third phase of the EU4Youth program, which was funded by the European Union and the Republic of Lithuania's Foreign Affairs Ministry.

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