Zelensky at URC: Russia has destroyed nine gigawatts of Ukraine’s electricity generation

At the beginning of the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, Volodymyr Zelensky discussed energy issues with international partners.

Rubryka writes about it.

The president mentioned that Ukraine reached its highest consumption at 18 gigawatts last winter. However, Ukraine now only produces half of that amount. To put it in perspective, Zelensky compared this to the energy usage of Berlin at two gigawatts and Munich at three.

In response to Zelensky's statement and a call to support Ukraine before the onset of winter, to ensure people a "normal life" in winter, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that the EU has already transferred an additional thousand generators and tens of thousands of solar panels to Ukraine.

The main goal is to diversify the Ukrainian energy supply. Von der Leyen also noted that the European Union prioritizes helping Ukraine not only with its immediate needs now but also in the long term.

That is why approving 50 billion EU aid to Ukraine is essential until 2027.

"It is important that there is predictable support," said the President of the European Commission.

Ursula von der Leyen also mentioned the decision to transfer frozen Russian assets in the EU to Ukraine.

"We often talk about the fact that Russia should pay for its crimes. And now it is paying for them," she said.

For reference:

On June 11, the Ukraine Recovery Conference started in Berlin, Germany, with the participation of Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky and the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Olaf Scholz.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, arrived in Germany to attend the Ukraine Recovery Conference.

The head of the Ukrainian state also noted that he would hold negotiations with Olaf Scholz regarding further defense support, development of the Ukrainian air defense system, and joint production of weapons.

Volodymyr Zelensky also plans to meet with:

  • German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier,
  • President of the Bundestag Berbel Bas.

In addition, he will visit a military base where Ukrainian soldiers are trained.

The Ukrainian leader spoke at the opening ceremony of the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024, where he:

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