Uncontrolled subsoil mining is increasing in Crimea

In the temporarily occupied Crimea, uncontrolled mineral extraction is increasing on a scale excessive for the resort region, which poses a danger to the peninsula's future as a resort region.

Krym Realii writes about this with reference to the Liberate Crimea de-occupation movement.

The media quoted an activist who did not disclose his name for security reasons. As he noted, the scale of limestone mining has increased dramatically over the past ten years.

"This is a large Russian business, which, for objective reasons, cannot be controlled by Ukrainian authorities.

We were informed by residents of the Bilohir district that trucks full of crushed stone are leaving the quarry in caravans without tarpaulin coverings and without observing the speed limit," said the activist.

Photo: Krym Realii

He added that excessive mining poses a danger to the future of Crimea as a resort region.

Photo: Krym Realii

"In such resort regions, there are scientifically based restrictions on the scale of subsoil extraction so that their extraction does not lead to the fact that the damage to the resort turns out to be higher than the economic benefit from the extraction of minerals.

There is a strong feeling that the Russian authorities in Crimea really consider themselves temporary rulers," the activist emphasized.

We will remind that a Chinese company bought at least $7.4 million worth of copper alloy ingots at a sanctioned plant in the region of Ukraine occupied by the Russian Federation.

It is worth adding that Ukraine has introduced a digital approach to issuing subsoil use permits. Now, businesses can obtain appropriate permits through the user's electronic cabinet.


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