France to provide Ukraine with €200 mln for critical infrastructure restoration

Ukraine and France signed an agreement on the restoration and support of critical infrastructure and priority sectors of the economy for €200 million, of which 60 million will be directed to energy infrastructure.

This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Economy, Rubryka writes.

"A Grant Agreement was signed in Paris between the French Republic and the government of Ukraine to promote the restoration and support of critical infrastructure and priority sectors of Ukraine's economy.

The agreement's purpose is to attract grant funds from the government of the French Republic in the amount of €200 million, which will be directed to the reconstruction and restoration of critical infrastructure," the message said.

As noted by the ministry, €60 million from this amount will support Ukraine's energy sector.

In Paris, a Grant Agreement was signed between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of Ukraine to promote the restoration and support of critical infrastructure and priority sectors of Ukraine's economy. Photo: Ministry of Economy

According to the terms of the signed agreement, the funds are intended for those enterprises that will invest in critical infrastructure for the reconstruction of Ukraine. In particular, we are talking about such sectors as:

  • health care,
  • infrastructure,
  • energy,
  • agriculture,
  • water supply and drainage,
  • waste processing,
  • demining,
  • housing,
  • digital technologies.

Implementation of projects in other sectors of the economy will be considered individually.

We remind you that Ukraine lost 50% of its power generation capacity due to shelling; the. The authorities are working on restoration to have as much generation as possible by winter.

In addition, DTEK, the largest private investor in the energy industry in Ukraine, is actively working to convince the international community to help Ukraine restore energy facilities damaged by massive Russian attacks.

What is known about assistance in the restoration of Ukraine's damaged Russian energy infrastructure

As you know, several countries have joined the restoration of the country's energy facilities, which were damaged by Russian troops during massive attacks. In particular,


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